So to me, I think that one of things we talk with Doc. Gager another night was this, the notion of intimacy.
in particular a post doc that's also interested in doing things in economics and game theory.
I know, I know, Richard Rorty is a cousin of mine, and was a professor perhaps a teacher of Doc West. A great philosopher.
And it was taken the lab of Donald Olding Hebb at McGill University by a couple of graduate students, post-doc of that time, James Olds and Peter Milner And what they've done?
For me... I mean eventually I would like to, hopefully get a post doc and
There was a big doc-forum took place in Seoul earlier this year.
One experiment a post doc of mine did was he took these cells and injected them back in to the ear into the otic vesicle at the stage where we think the cells are in development.