Her aim is to get along in a world that is dominated by shifting forces that can be registered and reacted to by poetry, but not explained.
There's not actually chemical covalent bonds that are formed but it's a non-covalent interaction, usually dominated by hydrogen bonding.
You see this whole realm on life flourishing, on happiness, on well-being has been until recently dominated by the self-health movement.
Once you delete the dominated strategies, then you kind of go through it again and then 2 is dominated by 3.
When you look at Moscow you see these old traditional, the skyline is dominated by churches, the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church.
When you go west, however, it stops in the coast of North Africa -the reason being the rest of North Africa is dominated by Carthage.
And so much of this conversation, I think, was dominated by extremists.
In certain location things were dominated by certain cereals; rice in Asia, wheat in Europe, sorghum and millet in Africa, and maize in the New World.
He described provincials as being dominated by routine and monotony in their small towns, that they're all the same, he wrote, which is obviously not the case.
The South would end, he said, by being dominated by the North.
So, we'll listen to the end of the third presentation of this with the contrapuntal idea dominated by strings, melody, bass, other stuff in the middle and then he will bring in the brass for the final statement of this.
That's not a way that we really think about it, but I do believe that the risk level of the University's portfolio is really quite low in statistical terms -much lower than the risk level that you'd have if you had a traditional portfolio dominated by marketable securities.
And what he seems to be saying is this: we are beings who are first and foremost dominated " by a desire for power.
Hang on a second, everyone see that 10 is going to be dominated by 9 in exactly the same way?
All right we've concluded that 1 is dominated by 2, and 10 is dominated by 9.
So, in fact, it's not the case that 2 is dominated by 3.