So, if you're a small college with only $20 million in a portfolio you don't come across as a qualified purchaser.
who come into New York City for work. But they don't live in New York City.
But in many regards, it is a matter of space, a matter of supplies, a matter of security where issues come out which don't really matter whether you believe in religion or not.
So don't come away thinking that whatever it is that we've talked about here in lecture is the last word on the subject.
Treasury bills are for serious investors and so they don't come in small denominations.
And there are some communities that are frankly suspicious of Western medicine and don't want people to come in with their modern approaches and feed things to members of their community.
Pan Am is a now defunct airline which had at that time They were--They don't call them stewardesses anymore but they're-- the stewardesses would come in and they would smile.
Some of you are probably going to be doctors and you don't know why I'm going to do special relativity or quantum mechanics, but you don't know when it will come in handy.
We have to understand the way in which what we do and say, what we write in our papers and articles, is grounded in theoretical premises which, if we don't come to terms with them, we will simply naively reproduce without being fully aware of how we're using them and how, indeed, they are using us.
Now in fact, this may come as a surprise to you, I don't have ESP, I'm not a character out of the X-Men, so you can't actually see brain waves emitting from my head, and my reasoning doesn't affect your reasoning.
he says, all investing is about coupon clipping and the difference between equities and bonds are that bonds come with a coupon that's known and equities have earnings in the future that you don't know.
And the reason for positing these things is because we're clearly able to think about these ideas, and yet, we recognize that the ordinary physical world-- although things may participate in them to varying degrees-- we don't actually come across these objects or entities in the physical world.
Otherwise, if you don't buy all the debt, you still have a problem because those debtors can go after you because they are-- they're not shareholders but they have rights and they could come in and say, we don't like what you're doing; we're going to sue you because we think that you're doing something contrary to our interest as debtors.