Some scholars assume there's a historical memory behind the elaborate and dramatic story of a miraculous redemption by God.
Well, in recent times, I mean,9/11 was a really dramatic event in world history here.
And we get such a dramatic vision of that in the next episode that follows, the episode of the kitten.
That is the lowest point on the earth's land surface so this dramatic drop in just a very short geographical area.
I don't think the contraction is dramatic enough that we're not going to continue to see most really strong ideas will get funded and reasonably well funded.
But as it was a TV show and so sure enough, every single episode, some new dramatic danger would take place.
And incidentally, to know where he's coming from on this, he had a very dramatic and ambitious goal.
I'm going to present you one of the most dramatic examples we've seen of differences in brain activations in these areas, and how these differences can be remedy.
Now, they are hoping that the price doesn't fall because they're announcing it with news and,in a sense, issuing the stock dividend is just a way to make it dramatic.
This is a pretty dramatic representation of war.
The work is not, in a sense, written simply as a sort of timeless philosophical treatise, but as a dramatic dialogue with a setting, a cast of characters and a firm location in time and place.
In fact, I don't know if in the news the pioneer in this is a man named Judah Folkman, who is a surgeon who first speculated that this was important, and sadly he died on Monday, but had a dramatic impact on our understanding of how cancers develop in people and new approaches.
it's, it's like they put a much simpler idea into a very dramatic movie.
Ok, double line. If there are no questions I'm going to make a dramatic change in topic.
So, ideally what we did see was, in fact, it does have enough energy with the UV lamp, it wasn't a dramatic shift you saw because we didn't start very high and then it went to that stuck point.
This is a really pretty dramatic change in human evolution and the question is: what happened?