even just to go out and eat at restaurant is very expensive here.
But your food shall be the grasses of the field; By the sweat of your brow Shall you get bread to eat" So knowledge or wisdom or perhaps moral freedom seem to come at a very high price.
Some people say they eat human flesh at these dinners, but you doubt that because for some reason they seem to be all vegetarians.
If you're at home, you'll do it with your family, now you're in university, where do I do it, who do I go and eat with, I might be by myself at my dorm room.
Even if they're given healthy food at the same time, they'll tend to ignore the healthy food and eat a diet like this.
What happens is suppose you have the flu and you get very nauseous and then at the same point you eat some sashimi for the first time.
Sometime after you've eaten, say you had this Snickers bar at lunchtime and you don't have time to get anything else to eat during the day, your blood glucose level will go down.
Let's kill a turkey and eat that too while we're at it. Sounds good."
Not because you necessarily need it at the moment but your brain tells you you may need it later and so eat, eat, eat becomes the priority.
In this case, this book by Willett the researcher that I mentioned before at Harvard, he's written this book called Eat, Drink and Be Healthy, and it's a very good guide.
They've been very influential in teaching us how much of things we should eat, and look at that in this commercial that you're about to see, and also, the social context of this.
Now you can come to your own conclusions about whether that makes sense and we'll go over different dietary approaches as we go through subsequent classes If you compare ancient humans to what modern people eat, let's look at different constituents of the diet.
Now we don't care what you're eating so nobody-- we're not going to attend to that at all; I mean you could eat Twinkies four times a day and that could be your total diet, or you could eat something else; it doesn't really matter so much.
Now hopefully you're keeping a sheet of paper with you and you're writing down what you eat so you don't forget everything, and then you sit down at your computer at the end of the day and you log it all in.
People said the dairy industry and the meat industry were especially effective at lobbying and that gave you a skewed version of what to eat.
You know about this but maybe you haven't thought about it at this level of detail, but you know that when you - after you eat, you eat lunch for example.