Eighty percent of atoms that are set up like that break down in the next 24 hours; 20 percent of them don't.
Even in peacetime, military expenditures take up almost half of the budget of any European state, and in times of war, eighty percent.
Occasionally, you do run into pop pieces, folk songs, in minor, but most of them are in major-- probably about eighty percent in major.
Eighty percent of the volume of our brain, about, is cortex.
You've got to have a text and so we don't have--in eighty percent of classical music-- we don't have lyrics; we don't have a text.
Well, yes, with opera of course, but the other eighty percent is purely instrumental music.
And we talked about this before--that classical music, probably eighty-five percent of it, does not involve a text, and that's a whole different ballgame because then you have to communicate meaning in a completely different sort of way.