Because the pond is deep enough for an adult to wade into but too deep for a child to stand.
I thought London gives me enough to do for the next four years while I am studying to have a life.
It is enough for him he says if each class shares in some aspect of the governing power.
Well, that's enough for today, and we will continue Yeats on Wednesday.
Isn't it enough for me to extrapolate from cases that I do come up against in this life?
Again, we'll arrange for this, but you need to give us enough warning so that we can deal with that.
And as if that weren't terrible enough a realization, he goes on to envision an even more grotesque end for Lycidas' body.
And then he adds this important provision, "At least where there is enough, and as good " left in common for others."
All those things have to happen in an orderly fashion, in enough quantity in order for a particular cell to make a protein.
They tell you that it's not enough to have a brain for language.
You've got horses which you need for the army but also which they start slaughtering; you've got cattle but you have enough food to last for maybe a month; there's always a lot to drink because of the caves, that is, the wine cellars that people had, but things get worse and worse.
What was happening was, these banks were not being watched carefully enough; their capital requirements were not enough for the kind of assets they were investing.
If it's important enough for you to retain I'll stop and pause on it in class and discuss it in enough detail so you'll be able to learn it.
If you know that, that may be enough for quite some time.
So that's enough for recap and I want to move on now.
Make it a third row; there's enough for a third row.