If the state has a right to claim the fruits of my labor, that implies that it really has an entitlement to my labor itself.
It is a moral entitlement for Hobbes, the source of human worth and dignity.
.. Under the next president spending... I don't know anybody who doesn't expect spending to increase because as the baby boomer's age, they'll claim more and more from government entitlement programs.
The long-term fiscal challenge is largely a product of promises in our entitlement programs, medicare, medicate and social security that we have made the future generations that we cannot afford to keep.
A gentleman was a man of entitlement.
The economic health of this country in the long run will be dependent on the economic health of the treasury, of our fiscal situation and we can't get that under control until we get the entitlement crisis under control.
We are all endowed, he says, with a kind of natural right to life and the desire to preserve oneself is not just a biological fact, although it is also that, it is for him a moral right, it is a moral entitlement, every being has a fundamental right to its own life.