One way to say it is, every body will continue to remain in a state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line.
What makes the law surprising is that if I only gave you half the law, namely every body will remain at rest if it's not acted upon by a force, you will say, "That's fine. I accept that, because here's something, you leave it there, it doesn't move.
Why isn't sight like touch, diffused through all parts of the body "that she might look at will through every pore?"
You don't want to generate a lot of cells that just start killing every cell inside your body.
Embryonic stem cells can give rise to every cell type in the body.
But that doesn't mean that every part of my body existed before I was born, and that every part of my body will continue to exist after I die.
Every regime is an answer to that question because every regime sets forward a way of distributing formally distributing powers and distributing offices among its citizen body.
Under-nutrition--now I'm going -this slide has a lot of information on it and I'm going to come back to it in the class where we talk about hunger, but I show it today because of course undernutrition can affect every single system of the body and can have devastating consequences on people's health.
In every context in which I place a body, I'll have to know what are the forces acting on it.
Every force, with one exception, can be seen as a force due to direct contact with the body.
Every time you are finding out a different force that's acting on a body with different origin.
The regime is an arrangement of a city he says with respect to its offices and every city will have a governing body that governing body being a regime.
The important concept is that, while every cell in your body has the capability of making all the proteins that are needed throughout your body, not every cell is doing that at any given time.
The cardiovascular system, which is the heart and the blood vessels which are responsible for and the blood and so this is responsible for moving blood around the body and the blood brings oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body, you know that.
In every regime one of these groups he says will be the dominant class will be the dominant body the ruling body as he says in that definition and that ruling body will in turn he says define the nature of the regime.
These molecules of DNA, very long molecules of DNA, are condensed and packaged within the nucleus of every cell in your body.
Every cell in your body is only using a fraction of the DNA that's available to it.
Then, in every situation where the body has an acceleration a, the location has to have this form, where this number is where it was initially, this was the initial velocity of the object.
Every cell in your body has exactly the same DNA; that is if I could stretch out all the DNA and look at the base pair sequence, the sequences of bases along all the DNA in your chromosomes, they'd be identical in all the cells.