And there's also an experimental participation requirement, and next week I'll hand out a piece of paper describing the requirement.
But the state of nature, for him, is rather a kind of thought experiment after the manner of experimental science.
And again there, too, you saw an experimental result you were presented with that says, well at least to the extent that it could be measured, it was obviously getting very small.
And the 0.0016 is greater than what I would have as experimental error, so your theory is wrong. Bohr says oh, yeah?
To fill this culture dish with inner ear cells you would need the equivalent of 40 experimental animals.
When we do experiments, each group of three has an experimental setup to measure the phenomenon.
Even so experimental a book as John Barth's Lost in the Funhouse is totally absorbed in the problem of what it would mean to write about yourself.
And what it turns out is experimental evidence tells us that these two structures are equivalent.
They are my experimental colleagues who write papers with 400 other people, maybe even 1,000 other people.
You're now in the experimental group and I say, "Please wait here.
This was not a naturally occurring attenuated virus as used in smallpox, but a virus that was attenuated in the laboratory, basically by propagating it in culture and looking for mutants that were formed as you propagated this virus under different experimental conditions.
Hobbes is the, again, the great founder of what we might call, among others, is the experimental method in social and political science.
So, we have, we're interested in the change in internal energy for various experimental constraints.
So, this will remind you that physics is, after all,an experimental science and you will be able to see where all the laws of physics come from.
J. J. Thompson, model. Rutherford, experimental data.
Is never going to be the most convenient one experimental.