But the idea is--the clip is to make the point that the fear will extend to a rabbit, a white rabbit.
And I like to extend it all the way up the leg,
There's obvious question which you can extend us to other large freshmen courses.
He refused to extend his critique of tyranny in the political realm to a critique of man's domestic tyranny over woman in the private realm, in the domestic sphere.
You could distinguish between some properties of these processes that extend out, in that most of them are what are called dendrites.
One answer might be to extend greater toleration to civil dissidents like Socrates.
When it comes to humans, the notions of reward and punishment and so on that Skinner tried to extend to humans are so vague it's not science anymore.
And I could now extend that.
It would be a terrible-- it would be a problem all over the world because the damage would extend around the world; but, you'd be much better off if you were on the other side of the world, not where it hit.
Freud's contributions extend beyond the study of individual psychology and individual pathology.
Well what if we could develop ways using engineering techniques to extend the life of an organ, so it didn't have to get it where it went so quickly?
Then around this cell body there's an elaborate set of processes which extend out from the cell body and they go in various directions.
You just have to extend for a little bit this Pauline philosophy of freedom to the situation of the unfallen Eden of Adam and Eve to see a kind of logical trouble that Milton is getting himself in to.
The way that they communicate with each other is by physically touching each other, and the way that they connect across distances is by having these process that extend from one place to another.
It doesn't extend more generally.
If Skinner kept the focus on rats and pigeons and dogs, he would not have the impact that he did but he argued that you could extend all of these notions to humans and to human behavior.