One of the things that extended time in the wilderness allows is sort of a reorienting of the idea of control.
And there's extended days of that, sometimes weeks and
I'm asking is that the very same extended-through-time entity as the extended-through-time entity that I used to own. I wonder.
He moves out and he goes on -- and of course, he's still being supported quite generously by his father -nonetheless, he goes on an extended tour through France and Italy.
The findings of classical conditioning have been extended and replicated in all sorts of animals including crabs, fish, cockroaches and so on.
The AMT is getting extended year by year anyway so why not just deal with that one time and get it off the books.
Honor, in most societies, is thought to be not merely a personal quality, something like medieval chivalry but is above all group honor, the honor that surrounds the family, the extended clan, or the religious sect.
If you connect the body to a spring, which is neither compressed nor extended, there's no force acting on it.
All right. I want to do one more extended example here., because we've got another piece to do, but I want to capture this, because it's important, so let me again try and say it the following way.
the subject is accepted and extended "You'd win the war with a new kind of poison gas!"
So, between 1650 and 1750, and this is right out of what you're reading, the rulers of continental Europe, of the biggest states extended their power.
The household structure of a Roman household was this-- and I say "household," because our word "family," which we usually take to mean the biological family: the father, the mother, the children, maybe the grandchildren, maybe the extended family.
those family letters have been published in a book called The Children of Pride, and a brilliant book has been written about Colcott Jones and his extended family by Erskine Clarke called Dwelling Place.
Or should we think the fundamental thing is the car extended through time ? and sliced up to make car stages?
It's one thing to say people are space-time worms extended through space and extended through time.
And like any shrewd borrower, Milton promises that the credit extended will prove an excellent investment.