But it also extends to people who want to teach young children and babies and also want to help populations like the severely autistic or the severely retarded.
And then in my own view, this extends to animals, to creatures.
The same formula extends to more assets.
So this extends to animal trainers.
The key thing to notice is, I now have the ability to create iterations, which extends well I can do.
So I would help myself to this language of space-time worm object that extends not only over space but also over time, and distinguish the entire worm from the various slices or stages that either make up the worm or we could slice the worm into.
There're also changes of what you can teach, extends what you can teach, because you can get to concept which are really quite sophisticated that you will never teach it at the introductory level, because the math is the least that you can make it quantitatively, because you have a visualization that shows physically what's going on.
The violin string extends from x equals zero to x equals L, and we pluck the violin string.
So, this all seems a very technical phenomena related to animals and the like but it's easy to see how it generalizes and how it extends.