So far so--And so this is not crazy; a little boy falling in love with his mother.
But the thing is she's falling in love with me.
They're falling in love with the wrong person.
And so, Freud's theory is, as I said before, a theory of everyday life, of decisions, of errors, of falling in love, but it's also a theory of child development.
I would be looking at this--at the debt areas Student: You mentioned about the U.S. dollar falling in value recently. What kind of foreign currency vehicles or trading would you recommend to kind of hedge a bet against a dollar assuming that it continues to fall?
The thing is she's falling in love with me.
If there were no voltage on the plates, we would expect everything to be over here in some negative value falling.
He lurched up the aisle, falling against two tables on the way and getting his hand wet in somebody's coffee.
That is, you minimize potential energy and you see things falling under the force of gravity and so forthgoing to potential energy minima in conformance with this result.
Virgil alludes to just this passage in Homer when he describes the entrance of a whole crowd of people in to the underworld as "the falling of leaves in the early frost of autumn."
Contrast his images of joyous or demonic assent with the images of catastrophe, of descent, of collapse in Eliot, "London Bridge is falling down."
We all know that in a falling elevator, you definitely do not escape the pull of gravity.
And this is useful because if you're actually writing a program that's interactive or that you want to change overtime much like you would a game, hopefully, the game is not going to have the bad guys, for instance, always standing in the same place or the rocks or whatever it is falling from the sky in the same place 'cause it would very quickly become a very tedious game.
So anything that goes from a higher energy level to 2 is going to be falling within the Balmer series, which is in the visible range of the spectrum.
so I actually was like almost falling asleep in the second half, so you know.
is sort of falling behind in terms of how many university graduates