The other quick thing I want to say is that I do have office hours today from 3 to 5, so feel free to stop by if you have questions about problem-set 3 that you're finishing up.
Here you feel like you can do, you're more free to do things like,
People should feel free to correct my arithmetic because it's often wrong; 90 right? Two-thirds of 90, whoops, what do I need, start again.
Sorry about this. Those of you in the back, feel free to move forward.
So if you like toys feel free to reach out there-- what's that?
You should feel free to try to get one of those.
All right, so before I begin I just want to say I want to keep this pretty informal so feel free to jump in if you have comments, questions if you disagree with me.
It's an everyday occurrence that we can think and reason and feel and be creative, or choose otherwise and have free will.
Some students find that they benefit from printing out the PowerPoints and they can just take their notes along with the slides as I go and that's one way to do it, but feel free to do it whatever way works for you, but those should be available.
And you feel kind of free.
If you want to bring up those kinds of issues,feel free to.
It's also very interesting to think about how the food label could change because this legislation comes up here and there and government consideration, and so if you guys have thoughts that you'd like to write about on one of your concept sheets about what could done to the food label to make it more effective, and more accessible to people, then feel free to write about that. Yes?
So feel free to check that out if you have interest.
So feel free to play with this if you like.