It had been my accidental reading of fiction and literary criticism that had invoked in me vague glimpses of life's possibilities.
So I'm actually writing my own fiction, and no, it's not easy. But you can actually learn from, if you read other writers.
So these are forms of the experience of reading fiction of which Iser disapproves because there's no work being done.
And I take that to be the paragraph where he talks about what fiction has done for him specifically.
The wonderful line he has in his last prose-fiction "Worstward Ho", Try again, fail again, fail better.
Same memories, same believes, same desires same feels, same goals-- we obviously can't do that, this is a science-fiction story.
One can never come before something that, of course, has already happened, but this fiction of an impossible firstness is something that Milton is working very hard to accomplish here.
In Stevens, modernity shows us that the truth of religion was always a fiction, a fundamentally poetic construction.
Does Socrates believe that speech ? that he constructs between himself and the laws or is it simply a fiction that he creates for the sake of relieving ? his friend of the guilt he evidently feels for being unable to help Socrates?
Right, like, fiction? No, not really. I'd say, I'm taking a fiction writing class right now.
He's been in dramas and crime serials, thrillers, westerns, horror movies, science fiction, musicals.
Well. For what? the science fiction?
Here I paused in my fiction to shield my eyes and stanch the arrow-straight tracks clawed down my cheek.
Once we sort of settle into this vocabulary, and once we get used to this clearly unquestioningly scientific perspective, why on earth do we need pseudo-statement or fiction at all?
This is part of what I find so compelling about fiction and literature in general in this period.
What's the relationship between fiction and what we all experience as the real world?