Also, I mean, kind of independently or complimentarily as a corollary to that--to free up the financial system and to help financial institutions.
Instead it deals with financial institutions and it gets involved in underwriting securities for financial institutions.
But then you come to the third part of this sort of triangular absurdity, and what you get to is big financial institutions with extremely well-paid individuals, in the presumably pure free market.
There was sort of an economic takeoff in the 1850s and '60s in Paris because the State banks are in Paris, the State financial institutions are in Paris, and they can make or break investment in all these places.
It's very important and it has some important financial there are a lot of financial institutions built around dealing with the fundamental problems of real estate.
The problem with finance is that it's a beautiful -financial institutions are beautiful structures but they only are as good as the people who use them.
It's exposing defects in many of our biggest financial institutions and every day we see more news about failures, huge losses, resignations, or firings of top finance people.
It's kind of my contention that it's actually hurting financial institutions.
Then I will move to portfolio diversification and supporting financial institutions.
It's a way of helping troubled financial institutions.
I think that's because there's a growing recognition that that's what you need to know and that the countries that are emerging successfully are those that have well developed financial institutions that are adopting the technology.
So many of our financial institutions were created in the 1930s because that was a time when everything was being shaken up and it was a time when people were willing to consider something really different.
It's getting better year by year and the course of finance over your lifetime will be dramatic, so the financial institutions that we have ten years from now will look very different from the ones we have now.
Today's lecture is about portfolio diversification and about supporting financial institutions, notably mutual funds.
The optimistic thing is I think that we have a very good Fed chairman and we have coordinated efforts by central banks around the world and we're doing things that are attempts to prevent the collapse of the financial institutions.
You wonder, you know, maybe they're over imitating; maybe we were just lucky or maybe it was because the U.S. was the first, in some ways, to develop some of these financial institutions-- or one of the first.