• But also to find some websites that make connection to whatever the child is focusing on, or has in the story.


    麻省理工公开课 - 媒体、教育、市场课程节选

  • It's called, I don't know if you guys speak any Japanese, but it's called Bungo, the thing that we're focusing on.


    最喜欢的一门课 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • So there is more even playing field instead of the 21:1 ratio, we are doing much more, focusing on the positive.


    哈佛公开课 - 幸福课课程节选

  • And the first question we're going to be focusing on is just this, the question of the badness of death.


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  • It's very relaxing, it achieves the same function as focusing on your breath, give you something not to get lost, but feel sort of centered in.


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  • So focusing on rhythm can tell us a lot about the detail going on in pop music or in classical music in particular.


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  • We solved that by focusing a great deal on motivating the students. Why?


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  • But we'll be focusing on what we call "The Nativity Ode."


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  • And we've become the power that is focusing mostly on the military.


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  • Focusing on one nutrient is a losing proposition, according to some people, but there are others who say that, nope some nutrients prevail over others and are highly important compared to other things that you might be concerned with.


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  • See, to be honest even though it might feel like a whole of new stuff at once, it's a pretty small language and so we've almost seen all of the syntactic features thus far so now we'll be able to start focusing more on concepts.


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  • But focusing on things that are sustainable and scalable so that when we launch more schools or go into the next market or whatever we do, we're going to set ourselves up to have the same success that we've had without hurting our self in the current position.


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  • In one of the greatest books ever written on the South, by a Southerner, in particular Wilbur Cash's great classic in 1940 called The Mind of the South, he did something similar to Jefferson, although he's focusing only on Southerners here.


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  • and so ended up changing majors and focusing at that point on organizational development


    已经成经济学学徒了 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • Temporarily, as we advance through the syllabus, we're bracketing or suspending our interest in meaning and focusing instead on how something is made.


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  • Because positive psychology may mean that we are only focusing on the positive and what works, ignoring all the rest that are not.


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