On Sunspace were discussion groups for each one of the lectures and asked students to pose their prepared questions they went directly to the discussion space about that particular lecture.
Well first is, you go over here to the right hand side for each one, and it says click here for the full text article.
That's true for each one of the premises.
For instance, there's 5000 taco trucks in Los Angeles and 300 people a day go to each one of those.
We're going to converge in, in this game, to just one strategy for each player, which is where they intersect.
But in general, for each neurotransmitter that released it there would only be one population of receptors that's ready to receive it.
So that's why we saw, for example, in the p orbitals we had one angular node in each p orbital, because l is equal to 1 there.
If it was a twenty-year bond, there would be forty coupons, one for each six-month period, and each one would have a date on it.
One note for each gesture and we've just done a rhythmic dictation of the beginning of Musorgsky's "Great Gate of Kiev" From Pictures at an Exhibition.
The headphones are amplifying their heartbeat and the slides are moving one after another for a few seconds each slide and they're listening to their heartbeat.
I get charged one dollar for each mention of the class.
Plato seems to believe that each of us must choose somehow, must choose between one or the other of these two contenders for the most serious and worthwhile way of life.
Sometimes the functions -- sometimes a function can be used on multiple data types, plus, for example, we saw could add strings, or could add ints, but each one of those data types has associated with it a set of functions that are geared to handling them.
And what the physicalist would need to do for each one of those-- For each one of those you can imagine a dualist who says, "We need to believe in a soul so as to explain seances.
Just one strategy for each player and that strategy was given by this equation.
Then he had a machine that granted each pigeon one piece of corn every fifteen seconds; that's very, frustratingly slow for a hungry pigeon to get one piece every fifteen seconds.