And so part of the wilderness experience for me I think Mark Twain talks about wilderness and he says, I do it chiefly because it is difficult.
"For we assert," he says, "nature does nothing in vain and man alone " among the animals has speech.
He says it's a good idea for people to save for their retirement during their earning years but it's wrong.
Israel's descent to Egypt sets the stage for the rise of a pharaoh who, the text says, didn't know Joseph and all that he had done for Egypt.
By becoming a poet for all sorts and kinds, Frost intends, as he says, to arrive "where I can stand on my legs as a poet and nothing else..."
I'm going to say that an electron's a wave no matter how much my father says differently, and I'm going to get a Nobel Prize for that, and he does.
He says someone with a flair for cocktail party conversation, a witticism, would say this. He gives it to us, but he frames it as an affectation of style.
Finally, he looks up and says how much for a beer?
He says this is a very nice example for us to think about because some people have suggested, Simmias says, that the mind is like harmony.
The title of the book, Stocks for the Long Run-- stocks always outperform other investments for the long run and he says it's not due to selection bias.
Can you talk a little about what you mean by... I mean I've read the chapter Well, I think it's a phrase that used by Welles and he says he, as a fascination for values that exsited in earlier society, which don't exist any more.
It is enough for him he says if each class shares in some aspect of the governing power.
The political partnership he says must be regarded for the sake of noble acts performed well.
The political partnership he says must therefore be regarded as being for the sake of noble actions and not just for the sake of living together.
This is a point of view specifically associated in Yeats's late poetry particularly, but not only, old women, as he says on page 886, back in that General Introduction for My Work.
Is there any sort of an explanation for why God says you can't eat of this tree when he's given all of the fruit bearing trees... on what's going on and you're going to be reading a wonderful and interesting gnostic interpretation.