printf And then I'm gonna use the same printf line after that to actually plop it into this formatted string.
So the end result, because someone wrote this function years ago is that printf takes this thing, takes this thing, David plops David inside the middle of that formatted string and then renders the whole result.
It's not necessary very well formatted but it looks pretty complex, right?
They came formatted or blank so not such a big deal.
And so this is why in problem set 5 last year when I took photographs on campus with a compact flash card, just standard consumer media and I accidentally formatted that compact flash card, I only lost the first few kilobytes, the first few thousand bits on that compact flash card.
But if you avoid all of these minutia and focus really just on the idea, it looks like what was a blue say block, a so called statement, is now going to be something called printf where the F happens to stand for formatted.
Well, here is the F in printf for formatted printing.