That has been a frequent source of the criticism of the New Criticism in its afterlife over the last forty or fifty years.
They're more frequent and generally just a better way to commute to and from school.
Now, the reason to be interested in them, again, is not because they're frequent.
Consider the following passage that he writes: "As to rebellion against monarchy, one of the most frequent causes is the reading of the books of policy and history of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
So who the sender is, so maybe you could keep track of just who your most frequent correspondents are and if you keep seeing the same personfrom person X or person Y coming into your inbox and clearlyI like having a dialog with these people or have to for work, that might in fact bubble up in your inbox.
Yeah, yeah. I would say it's probably pretty frequent.
We ask ourselves, "Milton?! Our John Milton frequent a bordello?!"