I'm going to write it like this three moles of hydrogen which is a gas one bar 100 degrees Celsius.
For a real gas it depends on more than the temperature STUDENT: Are there any other constraints similar to that .
Let's look at the energetics of one of those electrons crashing into a hydrogen atom inside the gas tube.
No one was injured in a blast which was attributed to the buildup of gas by one town official."
the subject is accepted and extended "You'd win the war with a new kind of poison gas!"
So when I expand this gas adiabatically and it cools down, why do you think it might cool down?
We talked about this reaction here where we had chloride ion in the gas phase plus sodium ion in the gas phase.
And then I am going to take sodium gas and I am going to make this into sodium gas plus electron.
This is the diagram taken right from your text, there are the two electrodes coming in and this is atomic hydrogen in the gas tube.
This needs to be stressed that this is the ideal gas case. Now regular gases, real gases fortunately as I said, don't obey this.
Now, we saw before, or really I should say we accepted before, that for an ideal gas, u was a function of temperature only.
You're allowed Cv comes out here for this adiabatic expansion, which is not a constant volume only because this is always true for an ideal gas.
This quantity is exactly zero for an ideal gas and we'll discover why eventually it has to do with what we mean by an ideal gas it turns out.
All right, then as I push through, I'm going to start with all of my gas on this side, and at the end I'm going to have all the gas on the other side.
Here just two, so we changed the number of moles of gas by three. All right, how much did it matter, right?
du, it's an ideal gas. So this is Cv dT and of UB course we can just integrate this straight away.