We can not do that with quantum mechanics, the more true picture is the best we can get to is talk about what the probability is of finding the electron at any given nucleus.
And the family of arguments that we're considering initially are arguments that get known as inference or inferences to the best explanation.
To get the best fitting line, you find the line that minimizes the sum of squared distances.
So we've tagged each of your numbers to your actual recitation, so we can see today which recitation actually is going to be doing the best in terms of clicker questions, who's going to get the most correct today.
These cubs are not going to survive once they are born so the female's best strategy is to get rid of them and start anew.
Now this--we have to--we want dietary information, we want the information from these studies, so we take what we get and make the best use of it we can; but there are weaknesses in these kinds of studies.
And the dialogue ends with one of the great moving death scenes in western civilization and as Plato says-- let's get the quote here exactly right-- "Of all those we have known, he was the best and also the wisest and the most upright."