Now I spoke last time about the familiar sense of hesitation, that apology with which Milton had opened the elegy.
You can understand that initial hesitation when she asks, "Shall I go on? / Or have I said enough?"
So this is Levi-Strauss' argument, and Derrida is interested in it because he recognizes its affinity with his own hesitation in talking about events, births, emergence and so on.
In touching the Lady's rubied lip, she's also, I think, releasing the lady's hesitation to speak.
I think the genius of this parable hinges on the fact that the servant who was only given one talent seems to be acting so perfectly reasonably - with a laudable form of caution and hesitation, you could actually say.
What he quotes from Levi-Strauss would seem, on the face of it, to have exactly the same kinds of reservation and hesitation about the emergence or birth of language that Derrida himself has.
We have no concern or hesitation in saying what plastic is, and so we say, "Oh, gee. Well, I guess the great creator has a sort of a prosthetic limb and he raised it. All right.
And for Milton, whose temperament up to this point inclined him obviously to hesitation, to postponement, and to merely the anticipation of profit, the pressure applied by this parable of the unprofitable servant may very well have seemed utterly unbearable.