From there, after high school, I went to New York University. I completed bachelors of Middle-eastern and Islamic studies and political science.
And you friend says, "Well, you know I was kind of a nerd in high school. No one really liked me."
I don't do that. Part of this is designed to get you to start thinking about the transition from high school to college.
> In any case, that high school has like $10 million worth of computer equipment apparently in the front of it.
Well, I have to say, I did not like chemistry in high school, so I did not think about going to college to study chemistry.
The things I really enjoyed doing throughout my undergraduate career, my high school career was teaching, being able to help others get through problems and issues.
They were coming home from high school but I had no time now for thoughts like that and promised myself a ball in Denver.
How many of you remember this from when you were high school calculus days or from 112?
Do they still teach the scientific method in high school? Yes, alright good.
You took biology in high school, you learned the names of these organelles and their principle functions, the nucleus, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, lysosomes.
All right. And of course, there's trigonometric identities you know from high school.
We used to call that in--remember when--anybody in high school band here?
I went to New Orleans, um, my freshman year in high school, and I saw, you know, break dancers.
I had gotten in there from a tough high school I was the first to go from my high school.
And nearly not even a half of them graduate high school, which is like, a terrible injustice, a complete injustice.
There might have been one Coke vending machine at my high school, if any, I don't even remember.