They're important for the history of art.
to be familiar with the major works and thinkers and literature, music, and art of, uh, Western history.
Typically, we speak of the Bronze Age, the Mycenaean Period and so on, followed by the Dark Ages, but after that,you started having refined terms which derive actually from the world of the history of art.
This is Angus Trumble, the curator at the British Art Gallery who wrote this wonderful book, A Brief History of the Smile looking at the smile in art.
it's a combination of history and literature and art and politics
And that's something that we'll talk about from time to time in the class, but it's something you'd get more out of,for example, if you studied an art history class, or if you studied a literature class that talked about some of these issues in later European times.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Jewish History museum,