But I do not believe that, objectives of crusaders were purely religious. I understand that , there were many many factors that pushed this campaign into the near east.
Just to keep things clear, I will say that physicalists, materialists, do not believe in souls.
I do not think we can believe that simple story as it stands.
That's not a way that we really think about it, but I do believe that the risk level of the University's portfolio is really quite low in statistical terms -much lower than the risk level that you'd have if you had a traditional portfolio dominated by marketable securities.
Remind you, that's not to say that I myself do believe that there will be a Judgement Day, and on that day God will reassemble the bodies.
And again, I'm not gonna go on and on about this point, it worth noticing that even if you do believe that soul exist, nothing stops you from accepting the body theory of personal identity.