And Nabokov says: The students leaned heavily on emotional identification, action, and the social, economic and historical angle.
In "Easter, 1916" I talked about Yeats's partial, complicated identification with the suffering martyrs of that poem.
So, first he makes America mythic, rather than specific , and then he enters into that mythology through acts of identification.
All right. Let's take 10 more seconds on that, this should be a quick identification for us to do.
Milton's bogey seems to be the specter hovering over women poets or women writers who may find in Milton an identification of poetic strength with masculinity itself.
In some ways, it might just occur to me this identification of the gay gene.
What we're talking about is literariness--that is to say, certain devices that we can identify that perform a certain function -and maybe out of the identification of these devices, to evolve a theory that's more widespread.
Nothing is said of Moses' childhood, But we learn of his awareness of his Israelite identity, or his identification with the Hebrews, in the following passage: this is in Exodus 2:11-15: Some time after that, when Moses had grown up, he went out to his kinsfolk and witnessed their labors.
In calling him here the Tuscan artist, in some respects we can see him forging an identification between himself as a literary artist and Galileo as a scientific artist.
They're more like propositions, like speculations, that we're asked to test through empathic identification with, in this case, the poem's subject, Leda.
But, Nabokov's relationship to this modernist past is not just the burlesque that he visits on Eliot, is not just this complicated attraction and dis-identification that he works on with Proust.
Well, that identification here is re-imagined and we're invited into it, too, troublingly, I think.
He quickly complicates our identification of Orion with Satan, which wasn't arrived at that easily to begin with.
What's important for our immediate purposes is her identification of Milton as a cultural authority.
We're struck by the arrogance implicit in Milton's active identification here.
Now we are coming to gender Right. -and sexual orientation and identification.