These two oscillate back and forth so the moment of deprivation is often then balanced by a moment of imagination.
And you know, you need to imagine the situations and you know, use imagination and enjoy them, really, you know.
This lowly variety is not the kind of imagination I would like readers to use. What a crime!
You have to find out what "pulls up" means in the same way that the adult reader of Pleasures of the Imagination has to find out what "plastic" means.
In the imagination of white Southerners there were a lot more Haitian rebels coming into the South than actually ever got here.
Instead of looking at the documents from the outside, let's look at what would an early Christian church look like if you were just to stumble upon them? A little imagination.
There are many other instances of this myth-making imagination that Yeats is always working with.
And Hartman made sense of the seemingly chaotic and confused movement of the narrator's imagination here.
not just our imagination-- they stretch our ability to understand when and where change is possible.
This is going to be a little bit of a stretch for imagination, but imagination yourself as a Roman general, and let's figure out what you're going to do.
Imagination seems to be a guide to possibility; but maybe not always.
What it meant was that in principle, your power was greater than any challenge that could come from those underlings, those craven reptiles in your imagination over whom you ruled.
Milgram had a powerful imagination.
The idea that emerged the memory of the '81-82 recession is very strong in our imagination because we think that it was caused by lax monetary policy by liberal thinking by the soft-hearted liberals who just didn't want to create any pain and suffering.
So, we have a kind of image there of the autonomous aesthetic pleasure, right, the pleasure of imagination that's taken alone, according to one's own thoughts rather than in some broader, more social form.
The mother has her own way of using words for power, and she does it by making the kitten live again in his imagination.