You're in the process of becoming more mature, more differentiated and you're losing potential at the same time.
Resolution and closure, then, is mature object choice and in a certain sense there, too, it's a push forward, but we don't quite know toward what.
That's just an example of a cell that in its very mature or differentiated form is quite different from other cells inside the body.
The S&P 500 is 500 companies, who are major companies, so these tend to be mature companies and they tend to be in the dividend-paying stage.
It's harder to find, they're more limited numbers, and in general, more difficult until eventually down this pathway you have fully differentiated cells, cells that are fully mature and performing the function of the mature organ.
The other one is a committed progenitor cell that now somehow has been changed in such a way that it's going to mature and develop into non-stem cells or the cells that make up our bodies, somatic cells.
The same thing with these cells here, as these cells undergo continual divisions, they're changing in ways that make them mature, that make them more like the mature cells of the nervous system, for example, if that's where they end up being but they're losing potential as they go through that differentiation process.
They become activated and they produce, eventually, mature cytotoxic T-cells in large numbers.
In the case of the helper cells they stimulate a specific population of B-cells to mature into antibody producing cells, and that antibody is generated against the antigen that stimulated it.
Now, these Th-cells, helper T-cells, go on to stimulate B-cells, and it's these B-cells that become the mature antibody producing cells that make quantities of antibody that fill up in your body.