And the third fact that we need to keep in mind is that spins remain parallel prior to adding a second electron in any of the orbitals.
Egyptian stuff and Greek stuff is, you know, without parallel, really, probably anywhere in the world.
I actually misled you slightly there or maybe a lot, because I did it in parallel.
This is a story that is predominantly in Genesis 2 and trickles into Genesis 3 and I'm going to look at it mostly in isolation from the first account.I'm going to be looking at it in light of an important parallel.
Maybe somehow we misunderstood how the argument goes and it doesn't exactly-- although these two arguments seem parallel, they're not, in fact, parallel.
There is a striking parallel here in that the group one elements have a tendency to want to give up electrons, F Cl Br whereas the fluorine, chlorine, bromine, have a tendency to attract electrons.
And that has no parallel in any other species.
All of the businesses are in Madison Avenue, one block away, parallel.