in particular a post doc that's also interested in doing things in economics and game theory.
What are some of the particular opportunities and challenges of being a Muslim chaplain in America on a secular university campus?
Conquest and exile were events that normally would spell the end of a particular ethnic national group, particularly in antiquity.
I'm going to define a class, and in particular, what I'm going to do, is walk through what that says.
And temperature then is associated with property And if it had changed, then the temperature between those two would have changed in a very particular way.
Can the body ingest this particular item and deal with it in a reasonable way and not have internal havoc occur?
In particular, we're going to look at a particular version of this that we're going to call the linear city model.
So every time you move your arm, that area of the brain with green line starts, become active in a particular way.
Now, this is underwhelming with what you can do in just a second in this particular language.
All those things have to happen in an orderly fashion, in enough quantity in order for a particular cell to make a protein.
In a working-class family, an immigrant working-class family in particular, by the '30s and '40s,a child meant income, a child meant a worker.
Rebecca West, a contemporary and an acquaintance of hers who wrote a good many novels, wrote one in particular called The Return of the Soldier, the protagonist of which is also a traumatized war victim.
In particular, they increase the amount of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that's responsible for just general arousal.
I think it's reasonable for people who are considering the study of a particular subject in a college course to ask why they should.
I propose that we think of Milton at the opening of Lycidas as being stuck, stuck at a particular point in the imagined, the projected or fantasized, trajectory of his career.
And, as we said before, music has a syntax so that these phrases have to be in a-- arranged in a particular way that makes sense.