I think this might be the first time that John Milton is actually attacked or brought to the attention of the English people in print.
The licensing agent reads the book and determines whether or not to print it at all or license it to appear in print.
So the first thing we'll do is, we'll print the element, in this case it will be a list right? Because it's a list with two lists in it.
printf That's not actually where someone implemented print F and related functions, rather, in dot H files, by convention, are prototypes.
I'm going to post it in a format which will be black and white and easy to print out so you don't have to worry about this.
We have to realize that people don't read all the fine print and don't understand -if you have a precisely written contract in legal language, maybe they don't get it.
Then when you're done you print the page, and we have a special instruction for that in just a moment, and then you'll have what you need for the concept sheets.
The great architect, the thinker is the composer and the performer, the violinist, gets this piece of-- gets this blueprint or black print in the case of musical notation and is expected simply to replicate the black print.
Now, one of the earliest -- and I think this is a remarkable fact - one of the earliest citations of Paradise Lost that actually appears in print in the seventeenth century comes from the proto-feminist writer Lady Mary Chudleigh.
OK, in fact if we look at this, if I say, print of p, it prints it out in that form.
And notice, by the way, when I typed it how print showed up in a different color?
Then the next thing in the loop, we're going to enter a nested loop and say for every college in the list e, we're going to print the name of the college.
printf Right. When in doubt, let me just use print F for now.
Then at the end of the day what you'll get is something that looks like this which will be a whole day's worth of food intake and then this is what I'd like you to print out and then write about in your concept sheets.
The second thing is, what do I print out if I actually don't get the right input in?
Because what you don't see in this file is any code a that actually says put a letter of the alphabet at the top left hand corner of the screen and then put the next character to the right in other words, I'm taking for granted at this moment in time that my computer knows how to print something to the screen.
There's a keyword, which I'm going to highlight right up here, print, which is in, I don't know what that color is, orange?
But if it does take input, you have to provide it in the form of arguments or parameters, like print F takes, generally, inside of those parentheses.
I could do this, by the way, by running the code and putting print statements in various places as well, but the hand simulation is valuable, so let me just start it.
Well, you don't have to just take what you've been handed round in life, functions like print F or round or maybe other functions you've seen in super sections or by poking around.
I have a sequence of commands; I've got an assignment statement, I've got another assignment statement, I've got a print statement, I've got an input statement, which we'll come back to in a second.
We began here so at this point in the story the next thing that's going to happen is this line called Print F that says swap exclamation point, right?