But there is the opposite possibility, in the Beatitudes we read, "Blessed are the poor in spirit."
A star is a preview, is referring to what's called a pointer, similar in spirit but more dangerous than references in Java for those familiar, but we'll soon focus on these next week.
A lot has happened since the exuberant optimism of the political spirit that we see in a tract like Areopagitica.
It might be darkness. It might be spirit. Or in ancient Greek religion, a more sort of philosophical polytheism, it might be fate.
I'm a semi-bluesman in the life of mind of jazz man, and a world of ideas, that puts stresses on the spirit.
But a wonderful book, very well-written, very accessible in the spirit of positive psychology.
In other words, he hoped to revive in some way the spirit of the ancients of antiquity, but to modify it in the lights of his own experience.
We could try to change it in a way that keeps much of the spirit of the personality theory, but avoids some of the problems we've just been looking at.
The god says to him, "Here's what you need to do. You need to try the spirit of your men, and in that way to inspirit them to carry on until victory.
That's another one of those sentences by Faulkner that sort of captured this spirit of Alabama Fever, as it was called, in the 1820s and '30s, and Mississippi Fever in the 1830s, Louisiana/Texas Fever by the 18 well Louisiana Fever is even earlier--but Texas Fever by the 1840s.
These are movements away from true spirit-filled religion in his view.
The blind poet calls on the Holy Spirit to assist him in the composition of the epic.
And Milton, or the Elder Brother here, is clearly thinking of Revelation 14, in which it's only the pure spirit or the virgin -- that can even begin to hear the new song being sung before the throne of God.
I assume what Socrates means by that is though each individual will, each of us, embody all three features of soul, appetite, spirit, and reason, only one of these will be the dominate trait in each of us.
And that it's because it is partaking of exactly the same motivation as that urge in the spirit that we usually associate with the spiritual.
This is how this logic goes -- we are all familiar with this: our body remains to molder in the earth or welter in the ocean , but our incorporeal spirit rises to heaven where it can enjoy an ethereal, a bodiless, world of eternity.