In the first half of 2009, the army special forces company I was with repeatedly try to interdict Taliban.
In the first half of class, I'm going to tell you a little bit about the class and introduce some of the questions that we will think about over the term if you stay in this course.
Because alongside the idealized portrayal of the Israelite conquest in the first half of the book of Joshua, alongside the call for the destruction of all Canaanites, we find interesting tales of alliances and incorporation of various Canaanite groups.
This refers--this actually goes back to B.F. Skinner, a psychologist who flourished in the first half of this century.
The first step is divide them in half. All right? I'm not sure how to mark it here, remember I need to come back there. I'm not yet done. What do I do?
In fact, in part, because of this, we are only reading approximately half the book, the first five books, to be more specific.
The first thing I have to do is bust that in half.
In broad scope, the first half of the class is going to be metaphysics, for those of you who are familiar with the philosophical piece of jargon.
The style of warfare that emerges in this period, apparently for the first time, is what we call the hoplite phalanx and each half of that needs to be explained.
Welcome to Uncommon Knowledge, I'm Peter Robinson Joining me today, two colleagues of mine at the Hoover Institution Both are economists, Kenn Judd and John Taylor ... John Taylor also served for two and half, three years Four years Four years, essentially in the entire first term?
There are three of these in the first half.
In the second half of class, I will introduce to you and start telling the first story of the term, and that's about Richard Wright's Black boy which is our first reading of the term.
For the first half of the course, we've been engaged in metaphysics,broadly speaking.
In the second half of the twentieth century and up now into the twenty-first century, writers were thinking very hard about what to do stylistically with all the innovations that come in that powerful period known as modernism.