We find ourselves in today's reading, Areopagitica in the middle of the English Revolution, sometimes called the Puritan Revolution.
which I don't know if you guys are familiar with. It's like a rural state in the middle of America,
So I'm going to start in the middle of this: The crowd laughs long and loud.
And in the middle of this blank slate, in the middle, this is where my program is going to go.
I think this is an important distinction because what you have here in the middle of this simile in Milton's account of hell is an image of a bower.
I will tell you that a good programmer, at least in my mind, may actually go back and modify the pseudo code as they realize they're missing things, but it's easier to do that when you're looking at a simple set of steps, than when you're in the middle of a pile of code.
For example, you could put a dam in the middle of the tank.
Imagine standing in the middle of the Utah desert on a warm summer day.
Paris is not in the middle of France, as you can clearly see, but you're not going to have a capital in Montlucon or something like that.
suppose what happens is Linda goes to bed and what we do in the middle of night is we, well, take away that body and put some new body there.
You can talk about the origins of French nationalism in the middle of the eighteenth century, but it's very closely tied to this dynasty, at least until they lop off the guy's head in 1793.
Well, he would love to be fighting at the edge of the Grand Canyon, so that he doesn't have to worry about his right flank, but he's out there in the middle of a field.
I will try to finish every lecture on time, but sometimes if I'm in the middle of a sentence or the middle of a derivation, I may have to go over by a couple of minutes; there's no need to shuffle your feet and move stuff around.
So I used to love going there in the middle of the day when there's no one else there.
Don't just stop in the middle of the street because everyone is coming right behind, and it's going to cause a problem.
In Korea, students can drop their classes in the middle of the semester. Is it also possible here?