It is autonomous in the sense that it is a pure, uncluttered and uninfluenced declaration of fact or falsehood.
The syntax is OK in the sense of, it is an operand, an operator, an operand, so syntactically it's OK.
Got me to stay and in the sense you could say after that point I never really looked back.
Things are not "made up" in Frost, "not made up" in the sense of imagined, called up out of thin air, like fairies and elves.
They've become forces of nature in the U.S. Economy, in the sense that people accept these letter grades with great authority.
Walking is something you can do with others, in the sense that it can be a joint activity,a joint undertaking.
Being happy, in other words, is also a moral state in the sense of actually contributing to other people's wellbeing.
In the sense, it's building institutions, it's working on alliances, It's building economic ties as much as it can.
The polis is natural in the sense that it has grown out of smaller and lesser forms of human association.
The Romans actually were very pious in the sense that they believed that whatever land they were in, they should provide sacrifices and honors for the local gods, especially the important ones.
So returning to Genesis 1, We have an absence of theology and mythology in the sense of a biography of God in this opening chapter And that means the absence of a meta-divine realm.
We don't have to have an "interest" in it in the sense of owning part of a company.
It is a little bit difficult in the sense that to have gotten into Princeton, one almost certainly has had to know something about something. Right?
It's not extensive in the sense that you just have to scatter your stuff over wide fields; that's not what it is.
Okay, this one, I believe that there is not a debt to society in the sense that how did these people become wealthy?
It's mock aggression in the sense that when people laugh they're often teasing, kidding around.