Even in peacetime, military expenditures take up almost half of the budget of any European state, and in times of war, eighty percent.
These are sacrifices that are offered as gifts or in times of celebration.
In times of stress and trauma, they'll become younger, they will act younger.
The Evening Star is the, roughly speaking, first heavenly body that's visible in the sky as it gets dark, at least at certain times of the year.
That is to say, when the rules governing authority have broken down in times of crisis, and that was certainly true in Hobbes' time, a time of civil war and crisis.
In this case here, our property is the value of the pressure times the volume, times the molar volume. That's the property.
The Magi here are, again, an image, a kind of visionary symbol, an image available "in the mind's eye" at all times.
Gallium arsenide switches ten times faster than silicon All of a sudden,I've got a clock speed ten times faster with no change in design.
I feel pretty good about this, and in fact I ran it a lot of times in my office.
I once counted the number of times he used the word the letter--O--in that poem, and I quit counting.
Why would you put any of your assets in bonds if stocks are going to give you 16,000 times your money?
So I think it is important to keep this in mind and I'm gonna be coming back to this a number of times as we talk about the experiments we were doing at the Soen School of management.
So what we end up with for the number of photons in this laser beam of light is 2.1 times 10 to the 17 photons.
Now from the adult point of view, this is culinary because we know that we're in the world of folklore and that in folklore everything happens three times.
In fact, this is an argument that's been made a number of times, and I think there's a lot of sense to it -the last eight lines of Lycidas are written in a very specific line form the Italian scheme of the ottava rima.
It varies with the square of distance so it goes - in order to go twice as far it takes four times as long.