And I am going to superscript it molecular orbital, and this upper one, to indicate that it's antibonding, has the asterisk.
And I am going to let this arrow somehow indicate the value of the incident energy.
There's something else I wanted to say to indicate this notion of men being the polis as opposed to anything tangible.
He's trying to indicate that there are things that we can't really know in a scientific way but we can glimpse.
So, of course, this is resonance so we can go ahead and put our resonance notation in there to indicate that benzene is a resonance structure.
Excavations at Jericho and Ai indicate that both of these towns were ; laid waste at least 200 years before the probable time of Joshua; so there weren't even any walls in Jericho at the time of Joshua.
Well, Gadamer doesn't talk about this obviously, but it is an aspect of that prejudice that one might share with tradition if one weren't somewhat more critical than this gesture of sharing might indicate.
At my maximum, I'll put a hat over it to indicate this is the argmax; at my maximum I'm going to set this thing equal to 0.
So I will indicate when that moment is.
That it is intended as a kind of joke to, in many ways, discredit the idea of the just city or at least to indicate its extreme implausibility.
They're colored different here to indicate one new difference that you know about now, and that's that there is an orientation, there's an up and down on the chain.
It's just this double bind of vocation that's the subject of Sonnet VII, "How soon hath Time." That's the sonnet in which Milton laments the fact that he has turned twenty-three years old and has yet produced nothing that would indicate a shining poetic future.
Then we want to indicate that meter to the performer.
I have it shown with the--the vertical lines on this chart indicate recessions and this shows--this is from 1948 to 2007 and every recession that we've had since 1948 is shown.
And I have purposely made the arrow shorter to indicate that it has been slowed because we are going to argue its mass didn't change, so the only way to change its energy is to change its velocity.
I just want to make a few small points that indicate how that works.