There was not fancy, but having a chance, having a beauty together, sitting down around the table, being presented with graduation certificates gradually and individually.
Right, if nobody stands, each and every possible candidate would do better individually, so any particular voter would do better standing.
I don't think that's the case because individually, the minority's value is just the same as the individual of the majority.
You want to be people who really want to be great individually but you also need good teamwork.
In terms of myself individually I can honestly say on the month of Ramadan, it's an experience on an individual level, it's very beneficial.
That's what the optimist thinks-- not just for themselves individually, but for everybody, the total is always positive.
If you take part in a partnership you are individually liable for the debts of the corporation.
So, in terms of the c l atom, we need to talk about each atom individually.
The right thing to do individually or collectively is to maximize, act in a way that maximizes the overall level of happiness.
So they're going to share equally in the profits of this firm, or this joint project, but you're going to supply efforts individually.
Each of us individually has an incentive to emit carbons as usual.
It will help, rather than all trying to do it individually.
So if we write out every term individually, what we end up with is essentially just the probability density for the first atom, then the probability density for the second atom, and then we have this last term here, and this is what ends up being the interference term.
But if we have credit markets, then people can individually choose to be off the production possibility frontier and at a higher level of consumption than otherwise would.