What these do is they insure the bond-- they insure the investor against the municipality failing to pay on the bond.
The premise of the commercial is "Can GEICO insure you in any such situation?"
That is, the insurance policy doesn't just insure you against death, it also builds value over the years.
And you can get to things like the macro-stressed insure, and energy flow in a much more robust way than you can even in an advanced course of magnetism.
You can pick out words that are identical. The purpose of the law is to "establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty."
Because a lot of these ships go blub on the way back, or are taken by pirates and stuff like that, they say, "We want to insure this ship.
These are private companies--insurance companies--they're monoline because they look only at a certain class of risks and not all risks that they insure.
The theory of insurance is that ideally an insurance company wants to insure independent events.
Actually, the most important things that they insure are automobiles.
What do they insure?
They said, it's not going to work because you have to decide how much the house is insured for and then anybody--If you ever make a mistake and you insure it for too much, then the people who realize they've got one on the insurance company-- they've insured the house for more than it's worth-- they'll burn down their house and collect the money.
These are insurance--or P&C--these are insurance companies that insure the value of a home or a business or an automobile.