So, he intentionally inoculated his wife and two children with fluid that he got from one of his sick cows.
It turns out they're relatively simple to find even -- when they've been deleted whether accidentally - or in some cases intentionally-- that too is part of the job undeleting things that people had deleted.
And I've already given you some clues about this, in that this process of vaccination that Jenner had developed was intentionally injecting into healthy patients, a microorganism.
So if I want to use a string as we'll call it which is a word or phrase generally, they always go between double quotes, David hence the quotes around David, and they are double quotes not single quotes intentionally.
But it turns out that on Macs and if you have the right software on PCs, you can kind of get a teaser of what this environment tends to look like and be forewarned, what you're about to see is intentionally very underwhelming.
Intentionally, I bought the worst socks I could.
And they did that by intentionally infecting calves, by harvesting their skin when they were at a certain point of the disease, and by isolating the virus from the skin of the calves.
Well partly this is just for fun-- this is what computer people sometimes do, intentionally or unintentionally but as also will see a really nice way to culminate the semester and frankly carve out a 10 hour block where you can bite off your final project's implementation surrounded by friends and the course's staff.
These are two examples I just gave you of introducing genes that affect the life of a cell, either by making it express a protein that it's not making properly that's important to its life, or by intentionally killing a cell by having it express a fatal gene.
And one of the ways you can make a program crash, intentionally or not, is to essentially use up too much memory or call too many functions and what happens is, bam, one hits the other and bad things happen.
I intentionally used this very common analogy of a stack of trays in a cafeteria.