I know it looks like a simple and silly little example, but at the moment, I still have the ability to go in and change the values of the parameters by that little definition.
or it's a moment where you're both feeling opened and available to speak about what the other person looks like.
It looks like a leaf. It is nature in its aesthetic form as imitation of itself, life as an imitation of life.
The reason it looks like a tautology, because you look around, nothing seems to have its velocity forever.
So it looks like a lot of - well we're going to find out, we're going to count--but a lot more Alpha's than Beta's.
It looks like a square because it's 32 bits I'm told.
Okay it looks like about a fairly even split which is interesting.
So it looks like a rabbit.
And the solution to this equation looks like this where it is written in terms of a quantity called a wavefunction.
The reason it is so exciting that it's a protein, and it's a protein, this is the structure here, it's a ribbon structure so you can kind of see what it looks like, it's made up of all natural amino acids.
And by that reading, it looks like consent is doing a whole lot and the limited government consent creates isn't all that limited.
Now as it happens--this is a novel--as it happens, our hero looks rather like the other man.
So this looks like it's doing a little bit of extra work, but you can see, if you look at that how it cuts it down at each stage.
So, you cross link all the proteins in the virus, and you make a particle that looks like a virus but it can't act like a virus any longer because it can't replicate.
It looks like it was a circular letter meant to be circulated to different churches.
So it looks like this child did a good job.