And similarly can you click on any sentence in the transcript, jump right to that point in the video.
which also makes it sort of, in some ways, easy to jump from one to the next.
And she calmly says in the hearing of the boy, "Well, if he's going to jump, he's going to jump."
But both today and throughout the entire semester, as I'm lecturing I want to invite you to jump in with questions.
It's a long sequence of instructions, it starts at the beginning, walks through, may jump around a little bit, but eventually comes down at the end. It's okay for the things you're doing for the early problem sets.
So I'm going to read passages, and I hope you'll jump around with me if you have the text in your hand.
So, there's been a number of articles that documented that stock prices tend to jump shortly after options are issued to managers.
Some of these questions that look very straightforward just naming the geometry, you have to remember to do the first step before you jump in and go ahead with a naming.
You have to jump through hoops just to ask the user for a piece of input which should be really the thing a language prioritizes.
So from early on, I gonna jump-started life.
If you tap somebody on the knee, your leg will jump out.
Maybe you jump the head as I told you to do.
So the thing that I hope jumps out at you from this picture is no great guesses about figuring out this is a ?, so if the probability that the goalie's going to jump to the right is less than a ?, then the best you can do is represented by this green line, which is shoot to the right.
It's a daring way to jump-start one's own literary celebrity.
944, August, we jump ahead, the boulevard, the barricades are across the same streets where they were in many cases in 1792 and in 1789.
The rate and pace of change in the industry is such that it's always kind of a jump ball environment where companies are not able to hang on to a great position for a super long time.