And you just think that's just gone, if that sea decide to take that house, it's gone, you cannot do it.
So, I think we're very... we have a lot more sensitivity to that because it's personal. I just think,
Some people don't even know what a dividend is, they just think of stock as something whose price goes up.
I think that it's not something that you really think about because you probably just think about this as a Stanford site.
Right. I just think when he went abroad, he wasn't respected that he lost self-esteem. And so I think that's why.
So you can think of it, if we were to just think of it as a straight line that we were going across, essentially what we're saying is that we're getting from point a to point c without ever getting through point b.
While we've got this on the board, let's just think a little bit more.
So let's just think about what happens here.
What I want you to do is just think about this.
Just think of them as the set of abilities that people have, the things that we can do that other physical objects-- chalk, radios, cars-- those things can't do.
Just think.
Well, I just think that if he was making his own original idea and it was his idea to start with, then that would be the only situation in which I would see it being appropriate in any way because that way you couldn't make the argument that he was pressured, you know it's three-to-one or whatever the ratio was.
I just think it's good to have a lot of choices for the student body.
my next employer would just think I'm lazy.
That's because to suggest -- just think of it - to suggest that Milton is relying on his memory as he composes so allusively and so dependently, in a lot of ways, so much of Paradise Lost - to say that is simply to say that the poem has been generated by Milton and not by God.
I just think that's really weird.