Now, as obvious a statement as that is in this algorithm, it turns out that is the key to this whole problem being solved correctly without my algorithm looping infinitely.
Nothing rules out the possibility that having the very same body is the key to being the very same person overtime.
It's deliberate that a lot of the examples in lecture are fairly short and bite-size so that you can actually focus on pulling out the key ideas without getting distracted by line and lines of code.
That's going to turn out to be key in our model as we'll see in a second.
And I think that turns out to be a great key to understanding what's happening, and everything you hear from me on this subject I learned from Hanson.
So it's not just knowing what genes or figuring out ways to look at gene expression, it's figuring out how this expression of key genes affects the fate of the individual.
I just pulled out a common key.
We've got some chords set out and we're going to-- we've got some chords set out here and we're in the key of C at this point, and we're going to hear Beethoven go to a tonic chord, then a sub-dominant chord, then a tonic chord, then a dominant chord and so on.
If we could get clear about what the answer to that metaphysical question the key to personal identity we'd at least know what we needed to find out to answer the question: ? Is this one person or two?