I'll take his words literally; I will kill the cat," he thinks, and so he does. He hangs the cat.
If you're a bacterium your whole life is about swimming to nutrients and running away from things that would kill you.
I don't even exist on Wednesday I died myself on Tuesday ? How can I kill him after I'm dead?
On the other hand, it can't be so annoying that the people around you kill you and so it's complicated.
The idea of going into battle is not merely to avoid being killed; the purpose is to kill the other fellow.
So, I mentioned at the beginning, while he was working with this radium bromide that I was very relieved to see that it did not kill him to do these experiments.
If You would deal thus with me, kill me rather, I beg You, and let me see no more of my wretchedness!"
It wouldn't be right to kill five if you could kill one person instead.
Central banks around this time I think it was under the leadership of Paul Volker who was the Federal Reserve Chairman they raised interest rates to kill inflation and they threw the world into a huge recession.
That's what you learn, Hobbes believes, from the reading of Aristotle and the Greeks and Romans, regicide, that the only legitimate form of government is a republic and that it is a lawful and even it's your duty to kill your king.
So, they don't start killing all the cells in your respiratory system; they only kill the cells that are harboring the virus.
So I didn't kill him on Monday didn't kill him--rather on Wednesday I didn't kill him on Monday didn't kill him on Wednesday when he dies ? When did I kill him?
I'm coming at this guy and what I want to do, if I can, I want to kill him.
The way, in the simplest terms that cyanide can kill you, is it basically out-competes your oxygen for the heme in your blood.
Then I'm on the winning side, and what I want to do is kill as many of these guys as I can.
- If you eat these raw, which they do in many places around the world, if you eat a bitter one, you could, in fact, get enough cyanide to kill you.