By the way, in what I'm saying, I oversimplify by supposing that the basic unit of language is a word.
They show us a poet taking language apart and putting it back together in new ways, new configurations, new anatomies.
And Milton uses the language of these two parables to get at this problem that has resonances in every conceivable sphere.
We need to know not only what are the primitives, but how do we make things meaningful in that language.
Right? Never mind the extent to which the language is connected to a world of which one is attempting to make sense.
Well, there is another element, though, to the kind of language that Richard is describing learning, and that is the racial element.
Speech is the way in which we appropriate, deploy and make use of language, and Saussure calls that "parole."
So, part of what goes on when you learn, is you have to learn the language --the phonemes that your language has.
So it`s sort of a key issue for children and for adults actually to make sure that When we use a software that has more than one language it has to be completely in each language.
The letters, the design of the writing comes, in fact, from Asia, probably from--almost certainly from Phoenicia, the land that is now called Lebanon and the language that was for that script was Semitic language.
and they reply in German, "Yes, I'm French," that doesn't--language doesn't necessarily tell you how people feel about their identity. Some sage once said, I don't know who it was, but I love this expression, that a language is a dialect with a powerful army.
And I think it's a measure of the power of Milton's anti-tyrannical language that it can be used against Milton himself.
It is not a world in which language can be understood as somehow or another a means of expressing thought.
So, you see the kind of language that Neal represents at the very beginning of the novel.
Through this process he becomes addicted to alcohol at a very young age, but at the same time he learns something about language.
It's not a question, in other words, of poetry or of a novel being somehow or another strictly a matter of poetic language.