Then lastly, there are things like the Internet bubble, they're not usually called this, but--the lending bubble where--or the subprime mess.
Now incidentally, often bank loans to corporations are short-term, technically, so the bank is both lending short and borrowing short.
Prior to the bailout money for the banks, the banks were lending a certain amount, after the bailout money, the banks were lending less.
The industry, subprime lending, has grown dramatically over the last ten years and, as you probably know, it's in big trouble now.
So, the banks said, of course we'll do that; that created a major change in mortgage lending.
What's essential about the Primary Dealer Credit Facility is that they're opening up the discount window of lending beyond the member bank to primary dealers.
They were lending to banks that were in trouble and the--so we'll give them a good rate; that's what they used to do.
The Federal Funds Rate is an overnight lending rate between banks.
But, when you move from lending money to the government -either short-term with bills or longer term with bonds -to investing in the equity market, there's a stunning difference in terms of the returns.
So if all of these is perfectly understandable from the standpoint of Congressman Barney Frank, So is his recent statements that he wants the Fannie and Freddie to lower the lending standards to condos now.
Saving and Loan Associations, by the way, no longer exclusively limit themselves to mortgage lending -either they do home improvement lending and auto loans and the like as well.
As saying in a television interview, this is Allen Greenspan while I was aware of a lot of these practices, these lending, were going on, I had no notion of how significant they had become until very late.